Tree Pruning
At Cromwell forestry Ltd we pride ourselves on offering the full range of tree surgeon services and on being experts at all aspects of pruning trees sometimes know as tree trimming or tree lopping although we try not to use these terms.
There are many different pruning techniques and having your tree pruned by an unprofessional or inexperienced tree surgeon can either kill your tree or make the situation worse in a few years. It is advised when having your tree pruned not to have more than one third of the canopy removed at any one time. This is to stop the tree reacting badly and putting lots of new shoots out to compensate for the amount lost. Sometimes a tree is just too big and overgrown to be reduced or managed without seriously harming the tree or making the situation worse. In these situations removal of the tree may be the better option and cheaper in the long run. See our tree removal page HERE |
There are four main types of pruning. Crown reduction, crown thin, deadwooding and crown lift.
Crown ReductionUsually applies when a customer wants to keep their tree but it has become a problem due to the tree growing too big for its situation. For example the tree overgrowing onto a building a neighbours property or the highway. We recommend a reduction of the whole canopy by no more than one third at any one time but sometimes more, depending on how big a problem the tree has become and the species. All branches are pruned back to a suitable growth point and lowered if need be using ropes.
Crown ThinNormally carried out on more mature trees in which the customer is happy with the size and shape but feels it need a thin of the canopy. This involves the climber removing secondary, rubbing or crossing and dead or dangerous branches from inside the canopy. This allows more light through and also the wind to pass through the crown with less disturbance therefore reducing the risk of branch failure.
Deadwood RemovalDeadwooding is necessary if the tree is in a garden or overhanging the footpath and there is risk of branches falling and injuring someone. The removal of rubbing or crossing branches decreases the chance of disease occurring in the crown. This is always recommended when the overall shape does not want to be altered, just a bit of sensible care for the tree's future in years to come.
Crown LiftingThis raises the height of the canopy of the tree where necessary. Sometimes the height of the tree can be fine but the lower branches have started to become impractical when the branches have started to impend upon roofs, into the guttering or simply get in the way when mowing the lawn or tending to the garden. Trees need to be 3.5m over a public footpath and 5m over the highway if your tree is obstructing these the council may force you to have the tree pruned before they do it and change for there time.
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